
Tag: the sea

saturday morning

the road rippled before me, and distant villages in the mountains shone like pinches of salt on silk. sometimes, leaving the road, i would walk into the sea and pull it voluptuously over my head, and stand momentarily drowned in the cool blind silence, in a salt-stung neutral nowhere.

laurie lee, as i walked out one midsummer morning.

this time last week i was in this sea. eighty years later and the shore has changed dramatically but the sea has stayed the same. now im in my room in bristol, listening to the rain and the traffic, drinking my coffee and reading this. i like both places.

walk like thunder

i have been feeling a bit trapped inside my flat recently. a bit bored. so today i loaded up my ipod with some ted talk podcasts and wandered off to the sea. there is something about coming over the top of a steep hill and being faced with the wide expanse of the sea and the sky that is so calming.

i listened to these 4 talks – a perfect antidote to laziness and boredom:

louie schwartzberg – nature. beauty. gratitude.

julie berstein – 4 lessons in creativity

matt killingsworth – want to be happier? stay in the moment

ben saunders – why bother leaving the house?


they are all free to download on itunes. i’ve subscribed to the whole thing to liven up my walk to and from work.